Thursday, May 29, 2014

Get a notebook.

5. Get a notebook. Carry it with you everywhere. Write down brief notes on all your interactions, thoughts, and questions regarding the CPS case. Your notebook can win your case!
Being involved with CPS is a huge emotional strain in a system that is unfamiliar, threatening, and bewildering. Getting and keeping a notebook may seem like one more chore too many. But, the reality is this notebook can save you tremendous time and anxiety. It can put you in control. Your notebook can win your case. So get that notebook and carry it with you at all times! Some of your best thoughts and strategies on your case will come to you at the oddest moments.
And use it:
* Take notes at all meetings, hearings, and phone conversations.
* Write down names, questions, reminders, and thoughts on evidence.
* Carefully outline what you want to say, what you want to ask, and what you want to accomplish, before you go into meetings or court hearings. Take time in meetings to refer to your notes.
* Don't forget to date your entries.
Also, get a big, secure folder where you can keep all your papers together in one place.

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