Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why We Want To Help You Fight Child Protective Services

People often ask us why we chose to help those whose children were taken away from them by Child Protective Services. Here are a few of our reasons:

  1. Stop the false accusations: Many accusations of abuse or neglect are false. False accusations can come from anyone. Your good friend from work. A teacher or tutor. A doctor, a nurse, or a next door neighbor. Sometimes, you will be accused based on the opinions of a social worker them self, with no indication of abuse. People who are falsely accused and have their children taken are devastated, and need legal information and social support. We are here to help.
  2. CPS targeted poverty: A huge percentage of parents that are falsely accused of child abuse are living below the poverty line. This means that they have no choice but to rely on court-appointed attorneys for representation in juvenile court. These attorneys are infamous for doing their LEAST to help the accused. They act as if they're there to help you move through the court process smoothly, but they provide no aggressive defense of any kind. This is where we come in. We work with families to help them at a cost that's affordable to them; no one should go bankrupt while trying to save their family. 
  3. Juvenile court denies our constitutional rights: When parents are sent to juvenile court they are denied constitutional rights such as the right to a jury trial, the right to a public trial, and the right to be confronted by their accusers. These people may lose their children, and they don't stand a fair chance in court. This lack of constitutional safeguards leaves child detention hearings open to gross injustices, the likes of which few people believe could happen in America - unless they've been through it.
  4. Foster home abuse: Statistics show that children in foster homes are about ten times more likely to be abused sexually, physically, emotionally, and mentally than children in their natural family homes.  In addition to the abuse, they are more likely to be killed. A new study showed evidence that foster children are more likely to encounter teen pregnancies, crime, and juvenile delinquency. This study showed that children are better off with their natural families, even if they come with problems.
  5. Social work should be repairing families, not tearing them apart. Social work should be a process of helping families resolve and recover from problems, not a process of tearing families apart forever and traumatizing children for life. This imbalance in the social work profession has been caused by federal legislation that gives financial incentives in the form of federal funding and social security reimbursements when children are torn from their homes and placed in foster homes.

If someone has accused YOU of abusing your child, please call us immediately so we can help.

The Law Offices of Vincent W. Davis & Associates
150 N. Santa Anita Avenue, #200
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 446-6442

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