Friday, May 30, 2014

Who conducts an investigation?

Who conducts an investigation? What are their qualifications?
In many states the main investigator is a CPS worker. In other states, the
investigator may be a law enforcement officer instead of an agency worker. Under
some circumstances, they work as a team. They must have the skills to work with
you, your child, other family members, community agencies, law enforcement,
and courts. In many states, agency workers that work in CPS must have a
bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in social work or a degree in a closely related
field. CPS agencies must ensure that the workers have regular and appropriate
training and specialized skills necessary to provide quality services.

If CPS responds to a report about my family, what happens during 
the investigation?
Often the CPS worker will re-contact the person who made the report to the
central hot line and clarify what they said happened. The CPS worker will
interview your child. If your child has injuries that are serious or visible, the CPS
worker and a physician may examine him. Interviews are then held with you and
the person who is accused of neglecting or abusing your child. The CPS worker
might also interview other witnesses. After all of the basic information is gathered,
the CPS worker determines what happens next.

Will the worker tell me who made the report?
No. You will be told about the report, but not the identity of the reporter. Most
CPS workers have an open mind about reports, and their experience tells them
that all reports are not true. They also recognize that most families do not abuse or
neglect their children on purpose.

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